I think it's best to share how i kept the live food for my Aro. Perhaps it gives the idea to those who wanna kept an arowana at home, that keeping arowana is not just keeping a fish, you'll have to deal with the live foods for it as well, if you wanna have a happy fish of course. Some arowanas might have been trained to eat pellets, and taking care of such aro would be a breeze. All the necessary vitamins are ready in those pellets, such as Hikari sticks and so on.
But my aro is a different story. I tried to starved it for more than 2 weeks, still not eating up pellets, and even went for a hunger strike after that! tried it a couple of time, with no luck, so i give up. My aro seems to be very picky about food, which resulting me to have some variety of foods for it.
So after the jump, are the live foods that i bought, and kept for my aro:-